Zoom will add additional data centers in an existing region to the global Zoom routing network starting no earlier than 30 days from the posting of this notice. For network administrators with Zoom-specific proxy rules, please update your PAC files with the following site.
New data centers: Hyderabad (India) - hy2.zoom.us Mumbai (India) - mb2.zoom.us
The following new and updated IP subnet ranges will be deployed to Zoom resources to support the additional data centers above. We recommend that network administrators with Zoom-specific firewall or network rules update their systems as soon as possible in preparation.
New IPv4 ranges:
New IPv4 Zoom Phone ranges:
New Cloud Room Connector ranges:
Additionally, the following IP subnet ranges are no longer in use and will be removed from Zoom Phone resources starting no earlier than 30 days from the posting of this notice:
These changes will not affect Data & Storage Settings within the web portal concerning regions selected for Real-time data center locations. This is only a notification about the addition of data centers, their applicable DNS, and IP addresses within the existing regions.